service & support
service & support
service culture

our service policy: sincere, professional, efficient

our service covers all around china and even abroad. we do our best in service, market development and sales to improve our management and professional technical for better service.

our sales team think what customers think for providing the best service. we provide timely and comprehensive service sincerely,  professionally and efficiently.

we'll keep our exuberant spirit and clear mind to develop our brand. according to our quality policy, we keep moving and devote our wise and honesty to all our customers. 

with the supports and cares of all leaders, we always believe we will be much more glorious by working hard together in the future

our service tenet: thinking what customers think and providing the best service.

our service concept: customers are the most important for us.

our service target: meeting the highest customer satisfaction.

our service policy: sincere, professional, efficient.

(1) how to embody the service policy?

service is the most important part of us. all our products contain our professional elements. in order to meet the highest customer satisfaction, we'll always keep sincere, professional and efficient to look for the best service programme.


sincere desire is the most basic essential for developing of us. it's competitive power. we keep sincere to move the society, our customers and partners to win their trust.

when we receive telephone calls, we would always be a good listener. we listen to the other side carefully and take down what we talk. we would reply and solve all problems immediately. as for the problems which can not be solved on the phone, we would have an appointment to deal with them.

a.serving our already existing customers well. with the connections of our old clients, we can develop much more new customers, and the sale would increase accordingly.

b.before each holiday, in order not delay delivery, our marketing center would advise to our customers in advance. it embodys that we think what customers think and our sincere service.


not only do we keep concentrating on producing, but also keep meeting the highest customer satisfaction and even more than ever. we must have professional knowledge and technology.

every new staff should be trained for at least two months. they would learn the information of our products. also they would learn the business process and service skills. they would try the best to be professional.

a.regarding any complaint and advice, our marketing specialists would immediately provide the pertinent suggestion and service.

b.according to the different polishing technology, we can pertinently to choose the products which can meet our customers' requirements.


we'll think what customers think during service and deal with all the problems in a professional way. each member is the spokesman. all of us try to be the best spokesman.

when we receive any complaint and advice, we would immediately confirm it. if it is available, we would help to solve any problems. if it is over authority, we would introduce the handler methods and solve the problems within the next day.

a.regarding any complaint and advice, our marketing specialists would immediately provide the pertinent suggestion. our marketing specialists would go to the customer site to solve problems when it is necessary.

b.regarding the urgent delivery request. in yangjiang area, our merchandisers would arrange to deliver immediately. in other areas, our merchandisers would discuss with the product department to start the contingency plan for shorten th production leadtime. our merchandisers would also follow up the delivery status in order to delivery to the customer as soon as possible.

⑵ how to achieve the sincere, professional and efficient service?

① paying attention to the congenital qualities of each staffs. our managers are required to choose the best one from candidates. 

② paying attention to the nurture of each staffs. every new staff should be trained for at least two months.

③ establishing the scientific performance appraisal system and methods. we should consider the relationship between quality and performance.  quality and performance must be in a good proportion. with the premise of outstanding achievement, performance also needs improving.

④ reasonable rewards and punishments. service needs quantified and we will set up the rules. we will ensure rewards and punishments according to each detail of our work.

⑤ our cadres must set an example. our cadres must pay attention to their own work and service, because all eyes of the staffs are on them.

⑥ setting up a service example. with the crowd psychology, an example is much more influential than any rules. in this way, staffs would compare themselves with others, so that all the staffs would improve much more.
